Junior League LA: UI Website Rebrand
The Junior League of Los Angeles (JLLA) is a nonprofit organization of women who aim to make a positive impact on the greater Los Angeles communities through volunteering, collaboration, and training programs.
| I was a general UX web designer behind the re-brand design for the JLLA website, responsible for the home and leadership pages.
| Re-branded the website to break the stereotypes of the association and display it’s authentic mission for young professions
Kezia Leung
User Research
Visual Design
UX design
01. The Problem and Motivation
(in 10 years)
| What’s the emerging problem and challenge?
There are numerous nonprofits in Los Angeles and they struggle to stand out especially with their history. How can we invite more young professionals to join JLLA?
| What's the background?
Generations of stereotypes and negative associations of AJLI ruined the image of JLLA.
The JLLA is a member of the Association of Junior Leagues International (AJLI); however, the AJLI has alot of negative associations and stereotypes. Years ago, AJLI was known as a socialite community for wealthy women. It was referenced in pop culture such as in Gossip Girls in a negative way as Blair aimed to marry rich and join the AJLI. Junior League was also mentioned in ‘The Help’ novel because at the time the Junior League played a huge part in the culture. During that time, it was stereotypically the group you joined after getting married. The league had some negative stereotypes; therefore, they now want to move past that.

| What's the goal?
Rebrand JLLA to appeal to young professionals in LA country who do volunteer work and make social impact in the community. They would like us to update their website and social media handles to increase engagement, improve branding, and stay relevant within Los Angeles.
JLLA challenged USC Innovative Design, a student-led design consultancy at University of Southern California to address their challenges. As their target audience, they thought that we could best solve their problem with different perspectives. They already have a design system; however, they wanted to modernize the website to make it more polished and professional to appeal to young professionals within LA county. Therefore, this needed many stages of ideation and marketing strategy to help JLLA change their image.
4 Obstacles
After a few user testings, here are 4 obstacles preventing a smooth user experience.
Too much information on one page and many unnecessary subtabs
Lack of Uniqueness
The website is very ordinary and seems like it was designed years ago. There isn’t anything that stands out.
Navigation Difficulties
There are too many tabs in the menu and there are no buttons that stand out on the home page
Lack of Call to Action
The are buttons that say donate or join; however, there are no specific buttons that are a ‘call to action’

First Iteration of Home Page: Find a new style
Option 1
Clear title header, the collage adds more personality to the brand
Everything is organized and structured
The goal, mission, and opportunities are all clear. Potentially more stats.
Option 2
Emphasized important words with color.
Most sections are organized. The stats with 60,000 doesn’t seem to fit in the flow
Everything is clear. The News is difficult to understand
Option 3
Emphasis on certain words with italics and bold is clear. Stats are a bit cluttered
Easy to navigate.
Clear goal, mission, and great list of stats. It’s lacking an updates section
Process Conclusion
To design a rebrand for JLLA that appeals to young professionals, the website needed to components that connect to the younger generation. Therefore, I'll developed the final prototype to include the strongest aspects of each option listed above.


| Developing and designing a rebrand
Re-creating an entire new brand for an established brand was very difficult. However, I enjoyed the creative freedom.
| Marketing with UX Design
It’s difficult to break stereotypes and solve generational assumptions about an organization; therefore, I really enjoyed this project. The way an organization is marketed to their customers determines how the customers will perceive the organization as. Therefore, this project required some marketing skills in order to design a brand that spoke to a new target audience.
| What are the next steps and what did the company do with the project?
Transfer the designs to the website platform (Squarespace or hardcoding). The company plans to use the website and implement the branding elements into their social media handles as well.
Thanks for viewing my case study!