A mutli-media digital journal that provides a space for people to relieve their emotions, thoughts, and feelings.
A personal project in collaboration with Apple Creative Studios, Youth Design Center, Kode with Klossy to innovate an app for social good.
Product, UX/UI. Branding
Passion Project
July 2022
Prototyping, Product Researching, Pitching
● Problem
People are facing more anxiety and stress than any other generation.
People are scared to seek help or are unaware of resources that can help. As a student, I struggle to find ways to relieve my stress and anxiety. As a friend, I find it difficult to talk to my friends when they struggle with their mental health.
of people with a mental health condition don’t get treatment because of the stigma, cost, lack of access and misinformation.
284 million
people in the world are affected by anxiety the most common mental health condition (our world in data 20218)
● Solution
GLOW: Relieve your stress with various journaling mediums.
Glow is an app that helps users relieve their mental health by journaling through coloring, writing, drawing, or videos. Being creative releases the tension and journal helps process thought.
● 01. User Research Insights
“I’ve been struggling with my mental health and I heard journaling is really good. But I hate writing . I love drawing to destress and it’s kinda my form of journaling.”
“I love journaling! It’s a great way to get all my thoughts out, but all the apps I’ve used are very boring. All I could do is write and I wish there were more fun features. “
Journaling is an amazing free resource that helps people with their mental health. However, journaling can be seen as boring.
● 02. Design ~ Visual Identity
● 04. Final Screens

● 05. Conclusion
What I learned
I learned how to pitch an app to investors and a variety of people.
Something I want to improve
I want to improve my organization and design layout.
Moving forward to the future
I hope to develop the app where people can use it.